
The experts with whom we co-create our company are most important to us. We want to cooperate with the best – always in a partnership model, where mutual respect, trust and the win-win principle is the basis. Join us, we are waiting for your CV!


All offers

Do we not have an offer for you at the moment?

Nothing lost, send us your CV or recommend an IT or Engineering expert!

Apply to Astek Polska! Our recruiters will contact you when an offer corresponding to your profile appears. You can also recommend us another IT or Engineering expert. If we hire the person recommended by you, you will receive from us up to 7000 PLN bonus!

Obrazek wyróżnijący

    Your contact details

    Obligation to provide information.


      Your contact details

      Referred person details

      Show information about data processing.

      Recruitment process

      Our recruitment process is transparent and friendly. Candidate experience is our motto, that is why we always try to adapt to the needs and possibilities of our candidates.


      Send your CV

      We are waiting for you!


      Let’s have a talk

      We will discuss the details of the project and your experience


      Show us what you can do

      Let us test your technical skills


      Let’s get to know each other better

      Meet the client and/or the people working on the project



      Welcome to Astek team

      The Best Place to Work in Poland

      From 2020, as part of Great Place to Work survey, we were awarded the title of The Best Place to Work in Poland by our employees and associates. It is a huge and the most important distinction for us! In anonymous questionnaires, our employees and consultants indicated the elements they value most in cooperation with Astek Polska.
